Posted 3 September 2013
By Stuart Joness
New paper published on fluid pressure and diagenesis
A recently published paper in the AAPG Bulletin documents the role of pore fluid pressure and burial diagenesis in coltrolling porosity preservation of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation of the Central Graben, North Sea. Anomalously high porosities and permeabilities are commonly found in the fluvial channel sandstone facies of the Triassic Skagerrak Formation in the central North Sea at burial depths greater than 3200 m (10,499 ft), from which hydrocarbons are currently being produced. The aim of the study was to improve understanding of sandstone diagenesis in the Skagerrak Formation to help predict whether the facies with high porosity may be found at even greater depths.
Binh T. T. Nguyen, Stuart J. Jones, Neil R. Goulty, Alexander J. Middleton, Neil Grant, Alison Ferguson, and Leon Bowen, 2013. The role of fluid pressure and diagenetic cements for porosity preservation in Triassic fluvial reservoirs of the Central Graben, North Sea. AAPG Bulletin, August 2013, v. 97, p. 1273-1302, doi:10.1306/01151311163.