



Access to this area of the website is for GEOPOP staff, partners and funders only.

Contact GeoPOP

GeoPOP3 is a research consortium led by the Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University

Prof Neil Goulty
GeoPOP3 Project Leader
Professor of Applied Geophysics

Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2341

Dr Stuart Jones
GeoPOP3 Deputy Project Leader
Lecturer in Sedimentology

Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2319

Department of Earth Sciences
Durham University
South Road
Durham DH1 3LE
Tel (office): +44 (0) 191 334 2300
Fax (office): +44 (0) 191 334 2301

The research is carried out in conjunction with:

Ikon GeoPressure
The Rivergreen Centre,
Aykley Heads,
Durham DH1 5TS
Tel: +44 (0) 191 383 7360

School of Civil Engineeringand Geosciences
Cassie Building
Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 6323
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 6502

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Very Sad News: Neil Goulty

By Stuart Jones

Very Sad News: Neil Goulty

Professor Neil Goulty, MA (Oxon), PhD (Cantab) It is with great sadness that we mark the passing of Professor Neil Goulty on the 6th June; a highly regarded and much-admired member of the Department of Earth Sciences for 36 years until his retirement in 2016, to an eme ...

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New paper on Skagerrak reservoir quality, CNS

By Neil Goulty

New paper on Skagerrak reservoir quality, CNS

"Reservoir quality of fluvial sandstone reservoirs in salt-walled mini-basins: an example from the Seagull field, Central Graben, North Sea, UK" by Stephan Stricker, Stuart Jones, Neil Grant & Leon Bowen is available on-line from Petroleum Science. https://link.springer ...

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Hydromechanical modelling paper accepted for publication in JGR

By Neil Goulty

Hydromechanical modelling paper accepted for publication in JGR

Josh Obradors-Prats, Mo Rouainia, Andy Aplin and Tony Crooks have just had their manuscript, "Hydromechanical modelling of stress, pore pressure and porosity evolution in fold-and-thrust belts," accepted for publication in Journal of Geophysical Research. The authors' ...

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New paper on well kicks

By Neil Goulty

New paper on well kicks

Jack Lee, Richard Swarbrick and Steve O'Connor have completed a paper entitled, "Kicks and their significance in pore pressure prediction" due to appear in an upcoming Special Publication of the Geological Society of London: Operations Geology: A Specialist Discipline I ...

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Bayesian approach to uncertainty in pore pressure estimation

By Neil Goulty

Bayesian approach to uncertainty in pore pressure estimation

Rachel Oughton, David Wooff, Richard Hobbs, Richard Swarbrick and Steve O'Connor have had their article "A sequential dynamic Bayesian network for pore pressure estimation with uncertainty quantification" accepted for publication in Geophysics. Their method accounts f ...

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